
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Watermelon Feta Salad

If you regularly visit this blog, you have seen that we get watermelon every week they are available.  Usually we just cut them into chunks and eat them plain for dessert during the week, but this time I was in the mood to try something new.  I have seen all sorts of watermelon salad recipes, but I usually didn't like something about them.  The main ingredient I repeatedly saw was fresh mint leaves.  Call me crazy, but I am just not a fan.  So I played around with a few variations and settled on this simple and clean version.  There are only three ingredients because I really didn't want to mask the flavor of the watermelon.  This is a wonderful dish to bring to a BBQ or summer pot luck.  Simple, fresh, and delicious! 

5 C cubed watermelon
1/4 C diced red onion
1/3 C crumbled feta


  1. Combine all ingredients into a bowl and gently stir to combine.  Enjoy!!
  2. This dish is best served cold. 


  1. looks so delicious!! i'll have to try it!

  2. I have been so curious about all those watermelon salads, and I'm a lot like you...are all those ingredients really necessary? I like the looks of your salad and will for sure give it a try. Thank you for sharing this recipe at Foodie Friends Friday.
